Monday, 2 May 2016

Assessment Examples

Here are a few examples from last year's assessment responses:

Remember that you will need to embed your videos in your blog (G7A and B) and write an overview about your video

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Term 4 Assessment

The list of controversial topics can be found here LINK


1.      Choose a controversial topic to explore that shows how beliefs affect actions.

2.      Decide what your opinion on that is (e.g. the death penalty for drugs is a good/bad thing - ethics).

3.      Explore why you believe this.  Ask the people who raised you what they believe, determine if your religion, your education, your experiences play a role in it; brainstorm other things that influence you.

4.      Try and come to conclusions about which things influence you the most.  Is it your religion?  Your parents? Your friends?  Your teachers?  Media?  The internet? Your experiences? Who?

5.      Draft up a role play about 5-10 minutes long that will allow you to demonstrate your belief and why you have that belief and HOW this affects your behavior and how you interact with the world (linking directly to the statement of inquiry and the global context)

6.      Choose however many friends you need and record  the role play to video.  If your friends help you act out your role play, you should be willing to help them act theirs out as well.  You will be graded only on your role play.  You need to provide your sources in your outline in the description section on YouTube (on your blog for grades 7A and 7B)

7.      Upload the video to YouTube  and set the privacy settings to UNLISTED:
Making a video unlisted means that only people who know the link to the video can view it (such as friends or family to whom you send the link). Unlisted videos do not appear in YouTube search results, your child’s channel, or on the Browse page.
"What You Need to Know about YouTube Videos and Your Child’s Reputation." Ikeepsafeorg RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2016.

8.      Write an overview explaining what the video is about – a written version of the video (no need to provide a      script) – post that in the description section of the YouTube video, along with your sources (on your blog for grades 7A and 7B)

      ALL your planning must be clearly presented in your log book (as we are not using an action plan)

      Taking into consideration this week's holiday and the due date of 27th May (published on your blog) - you have 14 class sessions = 9.3 hours to work on this.  I have allowed this extra time because you must cooperate, coordinate and collaborate with several of your friends to create your own and their videos.  This luxury of time comes with a price - I am expecting to see 9.3 hours worth of work in your final published product.  You must include all requirements as listed in the task sheet (above).